Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Memorial weekend was great. Sunday was rainy, but other than that, we had really nice weather. We were "Up North" at Steve's parents' cabin in northern Wisconsin. There was some boat riding, shopping and of course, fishing. I'm not a big fisherperson, as I don't like pinching the worms or taking the fish off the hook. But Steve is a great dad and he was up for the challenge. They didn't actually catch any fish, but Jack had a great time all the same.

Jack had so much fun Up North that he was sobbing when we left. "But Jack," I said. "Dixie missed you (his cat). Don't you want to see her?"

"Nooooo!" Jack said. "I didn't miss her! I want to stay at Grandma's house!"

It was a good weekend, though. I love short work weeks. I think all weekends should be three days! Now we have to quick do laundry and gear up for an Oklahoma trip coming up soon. Here are some pictures from fishing. The one of Anna cracks me up. She's holding the worm container, and it looks like she's saying, "ewwwww."


Amber said...

Isn't it great how short-sighted kids are? Live for the moment!

Anna is SUCH a Stacy Junior. I love it. I have to meet her. If she doesn't have attitude, I may cry.

Unknown said...

Oh no, she definitely has attitude! She'll look at you sideways from the corner of her eyes or with her head down so her eyes are rolled up high to see you. And, her very favorite phrase is "I do it!"

Poor little Jack -- he was just sobbing when you guys left. I felt horrible, but I know how kids are at that age. As soon as he got into his video, he was probably fine and elated to see Dixie when you got home.