Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter with Snow

I think I jinxed the weather with my recent lovely Spring posting. This Easter weekend, we were greeted with roughly 2 feet of snow. So instead of a lovely, sunny Easter egg hunt on Saturday, we went to an Easter egg hand out at a local school. We actually thought they were still going to "hide" the eggs in some way, and were quite disappointed to find out they were just handing out plastic bags instead.

But we didn't let it get us down! We had a blast coloring eggs. Then I got woken up at 7 this morning because the kids were SOOOO excited. The Easter Bunny hid eggs in our basement, and they couldn't wait to find them.

This afternoon, we went outside and made snowpeople. Of course, if I were talented, they would have been snow bunnies. But I'm not. However, we did use celery for the arms, plastic Easter eggs for eyes, carrots for the ears and an Oreo cookie for one of the noses.

Last year during Easter, it was snowing and cold. This year, we were covered in snow. I swear, one of these years it's going to be nice. Otherwise, I told Steve we'll just have to go to Oklahoma for Easter one year.


Hettie said...

Tee hee! Looks like you had a great time. Yeah, we had to drive all the way to Illinois so we could have an outdoor Easter egg hunt ;)
OMG, Anna is getting so big! I just can't believe it. And Jack just looks as comfortable as can be with the Easter bunny! Great photos.

ashes ashes said...

Anna has beautiful hair. I am glad you had a good Easter.

Amber said...

TWO FEET!!! I am extremely shamed due to my griping about our one inch dusting. I love your snow people. I don't know how you do it, though. I'm so bitter about all the snow that I don't even want to look at it!

Unknown said...

You guys had such a good time -- I love the idea of celery for arms and the bunnies will like it, too!

Anna looks so cute in her Easter dress.