Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Snow, snow and more snow

So the snow has mostly stopped by now. But there was a lot of it coming down today. Not a record by any means, but a foot of snow in a single day is a lot by any standard. I was at work today but then left around 1:30 to go get the kids. I couldn't even see any road where I was driving. It was just snow, snow and more snow.

After I picked up Jack and Anna, we were driving home and they were just watching, mesmerized by the snow. Pretty soon, Jack says, "Mommy, with all this snow, it's Christmas, right?"

Unfortunately, I had to tell him no, but those are the breaks. This is the same little boy who thinks Santa is going to bring him presents on his birthday. And, he also made himself a birthday card in anticipation of his birthday. (Yeah, he's excited, and there's still a month to go.)


ashes ashes said...

You better deliver with some good presents. Stephen told my sister the other day that he can be naughty, because Santa already came.

Amber said...

Max thinks it's Halloween every day. He's desperate for the candy.

Hettie said...

Ha! He's a smart one, that Jack. The good thing about a March birthday is that it IS sorta like a second Christmas.