Monday, October 18, 2004

Word Up

So, Scott has been burning the midnight oil to get his own website in order. It looks like a wide variety of good stuff. I'm of the opinion that the more websites dedicated to good-lookin' people, the better. He has also started a blog, which distinguishes itself in its brevity.

We received some fantastic news over the weekend. Bambi and Barry have adopted a beautiful little girl named Madison Grace. I posted a picture of the happy family in my Fall Photo Album for your viewing and linking pleasure. We have certainly started to turn out the children in the past few years! Stacy and I are jealous of all the people that get to meet her over Thanksgiving, when we're in Oklahoma.

Jack's growth continues. No teeth yet. Eating plenty. Smiling at people. All people. All the time. Friday was his very first School Picture Day, so I hope to have some new pictures posted whenever we get them. I seem to remember always getting a free comb on picture day, but Jack missed out. He probably would have really enjoyed chewing on a nice comb.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

I Can Do That

We've been using Stacy's camera to take short video clips of Jack, because it can be more fun to watch him laughing than it is to see a picture of him laughing. We haven't taken too many yet, but I thought it might be fun to take a couple and see how they would work in a clip-movie, like those that Stacy has made. You are hereby invited to the premiere of Laughing Jack. It's fairly big, so I would recommend downloading it on a high-speed connection. I'll probably get better at it as I make more, but this one isn't bad for a first effort.

Jack and I got to spend some time at home Thursday afternoon and Friday. His face has been fairly red and chapped since his drool output increased, and the ladies at daycare got worried the other day when it looked like a rash that was spreading. I took him in to the doctor, and it turned out to be nothing (although he's getting some serious lotion on his face to combat the redness and chapping), but out of the blue he showed some eye thing (either pink eye or some other eye virus), for which the doctor prescribed some antibiotic cream. Since day cares aren't wild about having kids with pink eye, and since I have 8 sick days that go unused every year, I decided to keep him home with me on Friday. We had a very good time. The best part is that we're staying home together on Monday, too, since that is an inservice training day at KinderCare. I guess you could call me Mr. Mom. Of course, then I'd have to smack you.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


So, it's been a while since I posted an update, and so I think some general news about The Boy is probably in order. The concensus opinion seems to be that a tooth is going to show itself any minute now. We're basing this opinion on an incredible amount of drool, Jack's insistence on putting EVERYTHING in his mouth, and his tendency to smile a whole lot. You know...practicing for when he has the tooth. There's nothing like the bright smile of a single-toothed boy. And he'll be able to open cans, too.

Stacy and I took first and second place in the Lake Lucerne fantasy football league this weekend. The writing is on the wall...they may as well send all the money to us now, since we're warmed up and ready to steamroll.